How to Choose the Right Wallpaper for Your BedRoom- Blog by Creativeskart

How to Choose the Right Wallpaper for Your BedRoom- Blog by Creativeskart

Selecting the right wallpaper for your bedroom can dramatically enhance the ambiance of your personal sanctuary. Here’s a guide on how to choose wallpaper that complements your space and reflects your style, ensuring a peaceful and beautiful bedroom environment.

1. Consider the Mood

The bedroom is your retreat, a place for relaxation and rest. Consider what mood you want to evoke:

  • Calming: Soft, muted colors and subtle patterns can create a soothing atmosphere.
  • Dramatic: Bold patterns and deep colors can make a statement and define the space with more intensity.
  • Romantic: Floral patterns and pastels can add a gentle, romantic flair.

2. Pick the Right Color

Color plays a pivotal role in setting the tone:

  • Cool Colors: Blues, greens, and purples are traditionally calming and soothing, ideal for a restful sleep environment.
  • Warm Colors: Reds, oranges, and yellows can make large rooms feel cozier but might be too energetic for some people’s sleeping tastes.
  • Neutral Tones: Beiges, grays, and whites are versatile and can be dressed up with colorful decor or left minimalist for a serene vibe.

3. Select a Pattern that Complements the Size of the Room

The pattern size can influence the perception of space in your bedroom:

  • Large Patterns: These can make a grand statement in a larger room but may overwhelm a smaller space.
  • Small Patterns: More delicate designs are often better suited for smaller bedrooms, as they don’t dominate the space.
  • Vertical Stripes: Can make the ceiling appear higher.
  • Horizontal Stripes: Can make the room appear broader.

4. Texture Matters

Adding textured wallpapers can enhance the tactile and visual warmth of a bedroom:

  • Fabric-Based Wallpapers: Such as linen or silk effects, add depth and warmth.
  • Embossed or Relief Patterns: Can give walls a sense of dimension and luxury.

5. Durability and Maintenance

Choose wallpaper that is durable and easy to clean, especially if your bedroom is prone to wear and tear or if you have pets. Vinyl wallpapers are particularly durable and washable.

6. Coordinate with Existing Decor

Your wallpaper should harmonize with your existing furniture, bedding, and decorations. Consider the dominant colors and styles in your bedroom furniture and try to either complement or tastefully contrast these with your wallpaper choice.

7. Consider Lighting

How your bedroom is lit, whether by natural light or artificial sources, can affect how wallpaper looks:

  • Natural Light: Shows the true color and texture of the wallpaper throughout the day.
  • Artificial Lighting: Different types of light bulbs can alter how colors and textures are perceived at night.

8. Sample Before You Commit

Always get a sample of the wallpaper and tape it to your wall to see how it looks throughout the day. This step will help you feel more confident in your choice.

9. Think About the Application

Decide whether you'll wallpaper the entire room, feature one accent wall, or use the wallpaper above or below a chair rail. Each option offers a different level of impact and can change the room's dynamics.


The right wallpaper can transform your bedroom into a personal haven that reflects your tastes and enhances your comfort. By considering these factors, you’re well on your way to selecting wallpaper that not only looks stunning but also creates the perfect atmosphere for relaxation and rest.